



邮箱: txiong@gdufs.edu.cn

所属系部: 英语教育系

办公室: 院系办公楼237






英语论文Papers in English

1. Xiong, T., & Peng, Y. (2020). Representing culture in Chinese as a Second Language textbooks: A critical social semiotic approach. Language, Culture and Curriculum. (in press) (SSCI)

2. Peng, Y., & Xiong, T. (2020). Reproducing or recreating pedagogies? The journey of three CSL teachers’ learning of the communicative approach. Asia Pacific Education Researcher. (SSCI)

3. Xiong, T., & Li, L. (in review) Implementing English Language Education in China’s primary schools: Identity construction of transfer-post teachers in rural region.

4. Xiong, T., & Li, Q. (in review). Teaching English in the Shadow: Identity Construction of Private English Language Tutors in China.

5. Xiong, T., & Li, Q. (2020). “I can’t have my cake and eat it too”: A narrative inquiry of a Chinese female teacher’s gendered identity. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education, 7(4), 95-109.

6. Xiong, T., & Feng, A. (2018). Localizing immersion education: A case study of an international bilingual education program in south China. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-14. doi: 10.1080/13670050.2018.1435626 (SSCI)

7. Xiong, T., & Yuan. Z. (2018) “It Was Because I Could Speak English that I Got the Job”: Neoliberal Discourse in a Chinese English Textbook Series, Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 17:2, 103-117 (SSCI & AHCI)

8. Xiong, T., & Xiong, X. (2017). The EFL teachers' perceptions of teacher identity: A survey of "Zhuangang" and "Non-Zhuangang" primary school teachers in China. English Language Teaching, 10(4), 100-110.

9. Liu, Y. & Xiong, T. (2016). Situated task-based language teaching in Chinese colleges: Teacher education. English Language Teaching, 9(5), 22-32.

10. Xiong, T. (2014) Shallow environmentalism: A preliminary eco-critical discourse analysis of secondary school English as a Foreign Language (EFL) texts in China. The Journal of Environmental Education, 45(4), 232-242. (SSCI)

11. Xiong, T. (2014) Review: Legal communication of Chinese judiciary: A discourse-based view. The International Journal of Language, Speech and the Law, 21(1), 169-174. (SSCI)

12. Xiong, T. (2012). Discourse and marketization of higher education in China: The genre of advertisements for academic posts. Discourse and Society, 23(3), 337-318. (SSCI)

13. Xiong, T. (2012). Essence or practice? Conflicting cultural values in Chinese EFL textbooks: a discourse approach, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 33(4), 499-516. (SSCI)

14. Xiong, T. & Qian, Y. (2012). Ideologies of English in a Chinese high school EFL textbook: A critical discourse analysis, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 32(1), 75-92. (SSCI)

15. Xiong, T. (2012). Review: Writing in the Devil's Tongue: A History of English Composition in China, Language and Intercultural Communication, 12(1), 93-95. (SSCI & AHCI)

汉语论文Papers in Chinese

1. 熊涛, 李秋娜. 语料库话语分析中的中美大学机构身份定位比较. 世界高等教育,2020.

2. 熊涛, 韩艳梅. 大学校长毕业典礼致辞的同盟性话语建构. 语言学研究, 2018/01. (CSSCI)

3. 欧阳护华, 熊涛. 基于批评话语分析的三维批判性阅读模式.广东外语外贸大学学报, 2013/01.

4. 熊涛, 毛浩然. 话语分析的三个维度和一个转向. 外国语言文学, 2012/02.

5. 熊涛. 美国应用语言学协会2011年会简述. 现代外语, 2011/03. (CSSCI)

专辑章节Book chapters

1. Xiong, T., Peng, Y. (in review). An evaluative case study of a professional development program for primary school English teachers. In S. Zein & Y. Butler (eds.), Teaching English to Young Learners in Asia: Challenges and Future Directions for Teacher Education. Routledge.

2. Xiong, T. (2018). Media Representation of Attitudes to Multilingual Education: Local Language and Culture in Mainland China. In I. Liyanage (Ed.), Multilingual Education Yearbook 2018: Internationalization, Stakeholders & Multilingual Education Contexts (pp. 37-54). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

3. Xiong, T. (2018). Recontextualizing immersion in the Chinese context: A Sino-Canadian collaborative educational program. In H. A. Spires (Ed.), Digital Transformation and Innovation in Chinese Education (pp. 177-190). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


1. Xiong, T. (2013). The cultural politics in Chinese EFL textbooks: A discourse approach. Saarbrücken, Germany: Scholar's Press.

受邀讲学Invited talks

1. Implementing English Language Education in China’s primary schools: Identity construction of transfer-post teachers in rural region. 上海师范大学,2019年11月

2. 语言学和外语教育研究的选题、构思和发表. 湖南师范大学,2019年5月

3. 语言学和外语教育研究的选题、构思和发表. 中国石油大学(华东),2018年1月

4. 浸入式双语教育本土化案例研究. 2018年广东省“强师工程”英语学科骨干教师培训班,广东外语外贸大学,2018年9月

5. SSCI和A&HCI论文标题、摘要和引言写作.第三届SSCI、SCI、A&HCI论文写作研修班,华侨大学,2018年7月

6.  “They asked me to teach English, so I did”: The construction of teacher professional identity of zhuangang elementary English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers in China. 加拿大女王大学,2017年12月

7. 跨学科论文选题和创新:以话语研究和语言教育为例. 第二届SSCI、SCI、A&HCI论文写作研修班,华侨大学,2017年7月

8. Immersion Programs in China: A Case Study. 宁波诺丁汉大学,2017年5月

9. Diversity and Co-existence: Bilingual Education in mainland China. 上海包玉刚实验学校,2017年5月

10. 教育国际化和外语学校特色构建的一些思考. 深圳宝安第一外国语学校,2016年12月

11. Shallow environmentalism: A preliminary eco-critical discourse analysis of secondary school English as a Foreign Language (EFL) texts in China. 香港大学,2014年7月

12.  Research on English language teaching materials: Current status and frontiers. 中山大学,2013年3月

13.  Discourse and marketization of higher education in China: The genre of advertisements for academic posts. 暨南大学, 2012年10月

科研项目Research projects

1. 教育部人文社科基金规划项目二语教材价值观话语建构的中外互鉴研究”(20YJA740050)(主持在研

2. 广东外语外贸大学校级项目、外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心专项项目“文明互鉴”理念下二语教材主流意识形态导入策略的多元比较研究”(主持,在研)

3. 广东外语外贸大学人文社科重点基地“机构话语研究中心”(主持,已结项)

4. 教育部人文社科基金规划项目“评价视域中的中国高教话语民主化研究”(14YJA740045)(主持,已结项)

5. 教育部人文社科基金青年项目“粤港城市语言景观对比研究”(16YJC740023)(参与已结项

6. 国家社会科学基金项目“应对突发公共事件舆情的官方话语研究”(13B1990)(参与已结项

7. 教育部人文社科青年项目“语料库辅助的西方媒体涉藏新闻话语研究”(16YJC740046)(参与已结项

8. 教育部人文社科基金规划项目“外语教师评课话语实景认知研究”11YJC740075(参与,已结项)

9. 福建省社科研究2010年规划项目“关于深化拓展对台入岛宣传的研究”(2010B39)(参与,已结项)

10. 中国教育学会外语教学专业委员会“十二五”规划课题“英语课堂观察研究”(参与,已结项)


1. Asia Pacific Journal of Education

2. Critical Discourse Studies

3. Critical Studies in Education

4. Education as Change

5. English Language Teaching

6. Gender and Education

7. International Journal of TESOL Studies

8. Journal of Pragmatics

9. Language, Culture and Curriculum

10. Pedagogies: An International Journal

11. TESOL Quarterly

编辑Article Editor

Sage Open






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